What is safe crediting?

Safe Crediting is a safety measure to ensure that you never risk losing your domain name or having your service turned off because of a failed transaction attempt.

If you have replaced your credit card, lost it or for whatever reason are experiencing problems with it and a failed transaction attempt occurs, you will receive an email with information about the matter and how you can solve it. If the next transaction attempt fails, we will automatically change payment method to paper invoice and mail the invoice to you while your services keep on working just as usual.

We understand the importance of having working services without any interruption. If several failed debit attempts occur, we will simply take responsibility, renew your services and mail an paper *invoice to you. You avoid costly interruption of your website and email and eliminate the risk of missing important emails or visits to your site.

Safe crediting is free* and is offered as a helping hand to our customers. Whether you have given us the responsibility to host services for your whole company or for a simple blog, we are committed to keep everything working smoothly so you can focus on your business.

*Paper invoices fee of 45 kr. To avoid the fee, switch to PDF-faktura under Billing on your Account.

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